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Posts by: Vytas SunSpiral

  1. Talking about Intelligence at the SETI Institute April 3, 2014

    Posted in Brains, Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-184" No comments
  2. Two Papers accepted to the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2014 January 29, 2014

    Posted in Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-181" No comments
  3. Tensegrity Robotics Goes Viral January 10, 2014

    Posted in Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-179" No comments
  4. 100K Page Views! November 17, 2013

    Posted in Unknown.

    rev="post-178" No comments
  5. Refactoring Space Exploration with Soft Machines November 14, 2013

    Posted in Bodies, Brains, Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-177" No comments
  6. Tensegrity Robots for Space Exploration! October 9, 2013

    Posted in Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-174" 3 comments
  7. Presentation on Tensegrity Robots for Planetary Exploration March 21, 2013

    Posted in Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-165" No comments
  8. Tensegrity Snake Robot October 24, 2012

    Posted in Bodies, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-162" 2 comments
  9. Robotics and Yoga Workshop October 2, 2012

    Posted in Bodies, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-159" No comments
  10. Super Ball Bot – Structures for Planetary Landing and Exploration September 18, 2012

    Posted in Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-156" 3 comments
  11. Video of my Talk “Dynamic Tensegrities: Foundation for Motion and Thought” June 9, 2012

    Posted in Bodies, Brains, Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-153" No comments
  12. Interviewed by London Real June 6, 2012

    Posted in Bodies, Brains, Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-152" 1 comment
  13. My Work Published in The Journal of Field Robotics!! May 5, 2012

    Posted in Robots.

    rev="post-150" No comments
  14. 23 1/2 Hours of Inaction? December 17, 2011

    Posted in Bodies, Ergonomics.

    rev="post-142" No comments
  15. Another 1,001 Reasons to Avoid Sitting June 25, 2011

    Posted in Bodies, Ergonomics.

    rev="post-132" 5 comments
  16. Office Ergonomics: Active Sitting April 24, 2011

    Posted in Bodies, Ergonomics.

    rev="post-123" 13 comments
  17. What Can the Study of Human and Robotic Motion Teach Us About Our Brains and Bodies? April 10, 2011

    Posted in Bodies, Brains, Robots, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-119" No comments
  18. Office Ergonomics: Why Sitting Will Kill You March 31, 2011

    Posted in Bodies, Ergonomics.

    rev="post-104" 29 comments
  19. Walking, Vision, and Self-Awareness January 19, 2011

    Posted in Brains, Robots.

    rev="post-99" 4 comments
  20. Robots, NASA, and The Future of Space Exploration October 1, 2010

    Posted in Robots.

    rev="post-81" 3 comments
  21. As the Earth and Sky Dance September 22, 2010

    Posted in Joy.

    rev="post-76" 1 comment
  22. Fascia, Collagen, Motion, and Bodywork May 25, 2010

    Posted in Bodies.

    rev="post-69" 12 comments
  23. Tensegrity Structures are Made for Motion April 30, 2010

    Posted in Bodies, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-60" 6 comments
  24. Introduction to Biotensegrity April 27, 2010

    Posted in Bodies, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-56" 17 comments
  25. Fascia, Bones, and Muscles March 21, 2010

    Posted in Bodies, Tensegrity.

    rev="post-31" 13 comments