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Here you will find my thoughts and reflections on the experience of being human. This covers everything from my research notes into robotic and human motion, biotensegrity, dynamical systems, oscillator based neuronal computation, ergonomics, yoga, dance, martial arts, healing, massage, psychology, relationships, leadership, and the art of being an excellent human being.

If you would like to know more about my professional life as a Robotics Researcher and Entrepreneur, please see my Resume/CV or read some of my publications. Currently I am the Director of Advanced Technologies at Zymergen. For many years I ran the Dynamic Tensegrity Robotics Lab at NASA Ames Research Center, in the Intelligent Robotics Group, which is part of the Intelligent Systems Division.

The first start-up I helped found was Mobot Inc. where we made fully autonomous tour-guide robots for museums.  While there I was the Technical Manager, and the Robot Personality Engineer.

For my second start-up I was the CTO at Apisphere Inc where we created a really cool cloud based platform which included a mash-up IDE and an automated execution engine for events triggered by location aware mobile devices.

This is all a work in progress, and I have so much more to say. Please come back now and then or subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up with fresh content.


Vytas SunSpiral

2 Responses

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  1. Robert Lendvai says

    Hi Vytas. Love the new blog and your focus. I’ll be a regular reader.

  2. alex says

    Vytas great blog!

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